it feels like i just arrived yesterday in Taize, almost get lost after i alight on Macon-Loche Station, helped by a stranger mom with her daughter and she directed me to hop in on the last bus to Taize, get wet because of the rain and join the evening prayer immediately after i alight in the Taize bus stop.
and in this week i have to go!
maybe everyone who stay longer in Taize will feels this way, it's like don't wanna go home and want to continue this community life. because of you already live with several people for months, build a common life with them, you fit with the works (well, some of them), you love the place, the prayers, the atmosphere, and so on.
but hey, the world keeps on turning out there!
i admitted that Taize is like the place with no bureaucracy, no time, no material, no world thing. you no need (a lot of) money to live in this place. in fact i just spend several euros during my three months staying (well, except the last day i spend a lot of money to buy a lot of stuff in EXPOSITION). and you no need time and calendar to live on this place, well excepts the meetings and the works. i mean, this place is SIMPLE, not as complicated as you live in the real world. you just live you life day by day, enjoying every second that passed by, and you will be HAPPY! at least that lesson what i learned during my staying. and the challenge is to apply it into this real world.
ok enough for the sentimental writings!
the brothers always
but i also did the c
more less, that the description of my work on my last week. and i work only until wednesday and i got free on thursday and friday. the brothers always do this to give us a time to packing and do others preparation.
so i use my free time for "shopping" on EXPOSITION. buy some postcards and icons. and afterward i become a poor man. haha! on my last day i take my handycam and start make my own documentary about Taize village and its people. i'm sure that's a good videography.
and more less that's what happens on my last week. i will tell you more details what happens on my last hours in Taize. the moment that i will not forget until the end of time.