yes i'm the one of the others seven volunteers of Taize Community that will help the preparation of the Pilgrimage of Trust in Manila that will be held on February 3th - 7th, 2010. there are one boy and one girl from Hong Kong, one boy from Japan, one boy from Germany, one girl from Korea, one girl from Vietnam, and me.
overall, our job is to visiting every parishes in Metro Manila to share about Taize Community and Pilgrimage of Trust, and invite them to join our pilgrimage. beside of that, we are also invite every parishes to welcome pilgrims that will come from outside Manila and the other countries into each host families in every parishes, and every parish that want to welcome pilgrims, we call them a Welcome Center.
because of there are so many parishes in Metro Manila, each one of us are assigned to around 4 - 5 vicariate, which is every vicariate have around 5 - 9 parishes. for me, i got 5 vicariate and i am the contact person of 34 parishes. yeah, not so much. ahahahahaha.
the interesting part is, we are equipped by one City Map of Metro Manila to help us to find every parishes. so i have to use this map to find every parishes that i've assigned to. and i'm very happy for this because it's like i've born to do this kind of job, getting lost in a city i never knew before to find some places only with map. cool!
so what should we do in every parishes? first of all, we can't text or phone them before we visit them. of course it's quite strange if someone stranger that u never meet before, suddenly text or phone you to arrange a meeting. so we have to visit the parish to meet either the youth coordinator or the parish priest at a chance. sometimes if i'm lucky, i can meet one of them and tell that i'm a volunteer of Taize Community and will held a international Pilgrimage of Trust and invite them to become a participant or to become a Welcome Center. if i'm half lucky, i can get their contact number from the parish office and text them to fix a personal meeting. if i'm not lucky at all, i can't meet them and the parish office is closed.
well, sometimes there's people that don't know about Taize at all so i have to explain them what is Taize Community in briefly.
after i'm sure that most of the youth in one parish already know about Taize Community and Pilgrimage of Trust, and if they are interested to become a Welcome Center, then i have to invite them to make a concrete preparation team to organize the accommodation (looking for foster/host families), prepare the morning activity and the morning prayer (these will be held in every parishes where the pilgrims stay then around 10am they have to depart to the venue, Don Bosco Makati, to have their lunch, midday prayer, afternoon program, dinner, and evening prayer).
and my job didn't stop after they form a preparation team. i have to follow their progress and to help them in their preparation until the D-Day is come.
more or less, those are what i have to do in two months ahead. and by now, in my third weeks here, i didn't visit yet all my parishes. and i didn't have yet a single preparation team. but i already have around 5 - 6 parishes that willing to become a Welcome Center. so i still have a long way to go. ahahahaha.
in the prayer part, i think i'm quite used to because of my experiences in my parish in Jakarta. but the different thing is, i have to arrange a prayer in many parishes! ahahahaha cool!
i embedded the 16 minutes video if you want to watch.
Taizé - Prep Manila 2009 from Taizé Community on Vimeo.
click here for the original link.
related article:
On Line from the Preparation Team