this three wonderful months soon will be over. even i don't want it but it must to be over. ugh.
on my 10th week, all my wish jobs is finally come true, of course except Olinda. ugh but yeah!
i worked as a Kitchen Coordination. i really want to do this job because it looks more challenging and Pablo always tease me when i worked as a
what i thought it's more challenging, the fact is this job is not quite challenging. haha. i don't know it's because on that week there was only 300 people on the field so we only have to prepare 2 lines. the preparation thing and the Big Distribution didn't take so much ime and there was not so much to do during the Big Distribution. i mean, it's not so hectic like Breakfast and Tea Team during the week with 3000 people on the field. haha.
ah, my Kitchen Coordination team is Mattieu (the coordinator), Jose Ignacio (Chile), Vivi (Chile), and Isabel (Colombia).
and my work at the afternoon is working in the church as a cleaning team. i worked with Karel (Indonesia), Shrinivas (India), Jose Manuel (Honduras), and Frederick (Uganda). There's a different kind of work to do in everyday, but there's some of the same work to do, such as organize the books or organize the brother's benches (i always did this kind of work). the other work is vacuum cleaning, cleaning the candle glasses, and sometimes help Br. Acildes with his inventory job.
it's a nice and very relaxing job. it needs more patience than energy and power. and this work is really fit (at least for me) after did the Kitchen Coordination work. and maybe i like it because i love to be inside the church. it was a very nice to spend a lot of time inside the church. and we have to whisper when we want to talk to each other. haha!
so, that's my wish jobs, which finally come true on my second last week. i'm so grateful for that, it's like the brothers can read my mind even i never told about my wish job to the one of the brothers.
so, see you on my last week in Taize!
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