for English translations,
Dimanche, 170808
wake up on 06.45, go to the Big Kitchen. get a quick brief with Sandipan. then start the work. so there are 4 Coordinators of Breakfast & Tea Team; me, Lukas from Germany, Sandipan from India, and Washington from Brazil. me & Lukas are the new coordinators and Sandipan & Washington are the "old" coordinators and this week is their second week as the coordinators. so every coordinators who work in the Breakfast & Tea Team always work for two weeks and every week there are two new coordinators. so the old coordinator will be the mentor of the new coordinator. cool!
usually on weekdays, we have our team which included people who stay from one week. but special on Sunday's breakfast, there are no team because most of the team already go home. fortunately on today's breakfast there are two nice people who will help the preparation and the distribution.
for breakfast, first of all we have to prepare breakfast for small work group. we have to make the tea and choco drink with big pots and our special recipe ;p then take the big basket, fill with bowls, big jar, jam, butter, bread as many as the number which they asked.
then we have to prepare the breakfast distribution for field people. make the line with tables, then put bowls, bread, butter, jam, choco stick, and tea/choco drink pots into every table. after our line ready with their tables, we have to find enough volunteers to distribute the breakfast. after all set, we start the big distribution. we have to serve thousands people! during the distribution we have to keep an eye on which line that need more supply for their table. then close the line one by one.
after the big distribution over, we have to clean the big kitchen. spray it with water, rub it with soap water and brush, then squeeze it. finish on 10.00. immediately go to Eucharist.
after the Eucharist, have a nice conversation in the Tilleul's common room, and play chess.
13.00 lunch, then take a quick nap.
14.30 go to La Morada, have a meeting and briefing with our Sunday's Afternoon Tea Team. we have to prepare the tea distribution for the welcoming. this time we get a help from 15 volunteers from Germany. there are 9 spot of welcoming around Taize. coordinators' job "only" to supervise the distribution while we split the volunteers into every spot. the supervise job is include to make a new tea pot if some welcoming spot is running out their tea, and bring the heavy-tea pot to the welcoming spot. finish on 18.00 (fiuh!)
19.00 supper.
20.00 go to La Morada have a meeting and briefing with the new Breakfast Team for a week.
20.30 evening prayer.
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