12.30 PM - Thursday, December 24th, 2009 - Taize Secretariat, Makati, Manila
after had a simple yet beautiful midday prayer special for celebrating Christmas, all of the volunteers, the brothers, and the sisters gathered together in the secretariat to had a lunch together. today's lunch is special because the brothers cooked it, especially Br. Joseph because he just arrived in Manila last Sunday and i just know that he also the main cooker in the community. haha! so the lunch is buffet, we placed a table in the middle of the room and put all the food and soft drinks on top of the table. as usual, before we start the lunch, we sing a song. and then, the party begins! ;p and the funniest part is, after lunch some of us played a game which is quite not monastic game ahahahaha ;p
Chapter #2 - Blessed Bread
19.00 PM - Thursday, December 24th, 2009 - Arnaiz Avenue St., Makati, Manila
suddenly Florian invite me to join his little spontaneous project before we depart to Tondo, to buy some Pandesal (Philippines' bread) and give them to the beggars in the pavement near our secretariat. so after we bought a dozen packages of Pandesal, with the other volunteers who each of us holding two bags, we walked along the pavement near our secretariat and saw that there's many beggars sat. ok it's time! so while we walked, we gave the bags to the old women and the children and also didn't forget to greet a Merry Christmas to them. and at a glance, suddenly many children came from every direction and surrounded us but we don't have any bags left. it happened so quick, less than a minute! and after walked quite far from them, we smiled with joyful to each other. great!
Chapter #3 - Jesus Was Born!
21.00 PM - Thursday, December 24th, 2009 - Sto. Nino Parish, Tondo, Manila
we went to Santo Nino Parish, one parish in Tondo where Florian work with them...
it's one of our Christmas schedule, that we will celebrate Christmas Vigil Mass and afterward we will stay one night in one family in this parish. so when we came, it seems that the previous mass is still going on and there's a lot of people there! so we go to the back of the church and we found the youth members already in the costume because they gonna perform "Panululuyan", the play when Marie and Joseph knocking on the doors in Bethlehem to find a place to have a birth. they gonna perform it during the 21.00 mass. so we have a little conversation with them and took some photos.
so around fifteen minutes to 21.00, the youth coordinator accompanied us to find some places to sit because the previous mass is already finished. but surprisingly, all seats already occupied! so what we did?? we sat on the floor just in front of the front seat. ahahaha it's my first time experience to sit on the floor during Christmas Vigil mass! but the surprise didn't stop yet. Florian already know very well the parish priest and he's the one who celebrated the mass on that night. so after the Panululuyan show, the priest gave the homily. but it seems that this priest is use to approached the people and ask them some questions in his homily. so it's predictable that this pries begins to approached us and he asked our names and where we came from one by one. it's sooooo nervous! imagine! i sat on the floor and this priest with mic in his hands, came to me and asked my name and where i came from with thousands eyes looked at me! even we can see ourselves in the projector!
Chapter #4 - Surprise, Surprise!
23.00 PM - Thursday, December 24th, 2009 - Host Family, Tondo, Manila
this host family is a surprise for us. first of all, their house. more than our expectation! second thing, apparently the whole big family, relatives, and their friends already wait for us for a Christmas Party! ooooh my, even it's already 11pm in the evening, they still waited for us and didn't touch the food yet until we came! so when we came, quite amazed with the decoration, so many people, the karaoke machine, and the foods, we start to have our very late supper with them. it was soooo nice there were many children so sometimes we played with them. and also some people already grab the mic and start to sing the karaoke.
Chapter #5 - Christmas Charity
09.00 AM - Friday, December 25th, 2009 - Missionary of Charity's House, Tayuman, Manila
in the morning we woke up around 8am and took our breakfast. it's a very nice breakfast, with some rest food from the night. and the host parents drove us by car to the Missionaries of Charity house then we say goodbye to them. i can see the mother's eyes were sparkling, it's so touching.
after passing through the big blue gate written "Missionaries of Charity - Home of Joy", we asked one of the sister that we want to meet the Superior. so she introduced us to the Superior and she told us that we can help the lunch distribution but at the moment we can join the Christmas mass which will celebrated by Cardinal Rosales. wowh! so apparently on that time they held a Christmas gathering so they invite around thousands homeless people to come and celebrate the Christmas with mass and some performance.
it's like a double surprise for us! first, we really looking forward to work with the sisters of Charity because we adore them, especially me! and second, we didn't expect before that there will be a mass and celebrated by Cardinal himself!
so then we sat along with the other thousands homeless people and also with the other sisters of Charity to celebrate the mass. after the mass is finished, one sister took us to meet the Cardinal. so we have a very short conversation and took a photo with the Cardinal and the Superior. perfect!!

after around 30 minutes distributing lunch, we took our lunch. after i finished my lunch, i talked to someone and apparently he's a priest so he took me to visit the chapel. and the chapel is simple yet beautiful! we managed to have a short silence there and, it's beautiful.
afterward, we still thirst for work so we help the sisters to clean the area after all the people left. this is the best part because we can work together with the sister and manage to have some little conversation. i met sisters that came from Ireland, New Zealand, and India.
around 12 pm we have to leave not because the sisters want to have a prayer but also we have to catch the bus to go to Batangas, to visit Janice.
Chapter #6 - Night in Batangas
19.00 PM - Friday, December 25th, 2009 - Bauan, Batangas
it's 2 hours by bus from Manila to Batangas and around 3pm we arrive in Janice house after she fetch us in the bus station. apparently her cousin held a thanksgiving after get their house blessed just in the next of Janice house. so we join the early supper and suddenly Michio called Florian! so one by one we talked to Michio with joy! then Janice introduce us to her friends from her parish youth.
around 11pm we decided to come home because among us volunteers want to have our time together to share. so when we get in the Janice house, we sit in the table and start to eat anything that we can found; chips, cakes, lasagna, ice cream, apple juice, etc. ahahahaha.
then we continued with midnight sharing. yeah after 2 months of being busy and never had a chance to be together, i think it's our first time to being together and have a deeper sharing about anything. we finished our sharing around 2am because many people already fall a slept.
in the morning we woke up around 8am and Florian was trying to drive a jeepney! ahahaha so cool! after say goodbye to Janice, we depart from Batangas by bus around 9am and arrived again in Manila around 11am. so we back to real world and also back to monastic life ;p
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