Monday, 25 August 2008

Tree of Dream

in one day at the afternoon, i involved in the simple conversation with my roommate who come from Guatemala...

Me : how are you, carlos?
Carlos: fine, thank you...hey Timo, do you know what? i'm crying last night
Me : you are crying? wow... why??
Carlos: it's because...oh i don't know... it's because i'm feeling lucky
being here, in this place. you know, in my country, the situation is
very difficult. but here, in Taize, it's very very peaceful. and i
efperienced all these things, it's very very lucky for me...

and that conversation is like a justification of what i'm thinking about lately, when i spent my time in Taize. even when i was received announcement which tells that i pass the recruitment to be a volunteer to Taize. i realized, it's not only about fulfiling a dream. but it's like a multiplying a dream. it's like a tree and i'm walking through it's branches. and there's a lot of branches that looks like its never finished.

the branches starts with my arrival into this "Zion". meet with a lot of people from all around the world. make friends from different countries and continents. living in one room with 3 boys which come from 3 different countries and continents, and in fact we speak with 3 different mother language.

then this branch goes to another branch.

i just realized that Tilleul boys have some kind of special treatments than the Neva boys. for the supper, Neva boys always have their meals on the Big Kitchen with the field people (but sometimes the have their meals in their house). but Tilleul boys always have the supper with the
brothers of Taize in the community (and also with the La Morada boys). sitting next to the long table with the other 80 poeple, we always have a appetizer (different kind of soup everyday), then the main course (different menu everyday, but always "Taize Pizza" on Sunday), then the
desert (mostly yoghurt, but sometimes we have fruit cocktail).

still about "special treatments". boys permanent sometime have a meeting with out prier of Taize, Brother Alois. why i called it "special"? after the evening prayer is finished, some of the brothers always stand at the several spots inside the church to listen and talk with people, include Br. Alois. but because many people want to talk or just want to be blessed by Br. Alois, usually many people make a que at the Br. Alois spot. but the permanent boys don't have to wait in a que to talk with Br. Alois. sometimes we have a meeting with Br. Alois to share and talk each other. for me, i've been twice to attend for this kind of meeting. the first time, we have a meeting between Br. Alois and all the permanent boys. and how lucky i am because one of the brothers told me to sit exactly next to the left side of Br. Alois. the second time, the meeting just for the Asian permanent boys and girls.

yes, than the others, maybe we have more close relationship to the brothers. and maybe because of that, i'd invited (twice) by one of the brothers (which come from Indonesia) to become one of the speakers for the workshops about "How to Sharing Life With Moslem Believers). speaking and sharing about my experience in front of hundreds people which come from different countries.

still about workshop, every Wednesday we have a workshop that shows the culture and the way of living in different countries and continents. ussualy 2 countries from each Asia, Africa, and Latin America. for people who live for 1 week, they can learn the culture and the way of living of six different countries. but for the permanents, such as me (and this is my 7th weeks, and there are 5 weeks more), yeah you can do the count how many countries that i can learn about.

still about "special treatments". boys permanent sometime have a meeting with out prier of Taize, Brother Alois. why i called it "special"? after the evening prayer is finished, some of the brothers always stand at the several spots inside the church to listen and talk with people, include Br. Alois. but because many people want to talk or just want to be blessed by Br. Alois, usually many people make a que at the Br. Alois spot. but the permanent boys don't have to wait in a que to talk with Br. Alois. sometimes we have a meeting with Br. Alois to share and talk each other. for me, i've been twice to attend for this kind of meeting. the first time, we have a meeting between Br. Alois and all the permanent boys. and how lucky i am because one of the brothers told me to sit exactly next to the left side of Br. Alois. the second time, the meeting just for the Asian permanent boys and girls.

then after those branches, i don't know what kind of branches that i should face in the future. i just wait it till its comes to me.

NB: i start to learn to write my blog in English, because many people
here want to read my blog. but because here in Taize, we use another
kind of English, it's called "Taize English" (because a lot of people
here doesn't speak English in their mother tounge). so here in this
post, i show you this kind of language that we use in Taize. hope you
can understand what i want to share in this post. and please give me
some feedback. thx!

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