for English translations,
wake up on 08.45, then straight to self-service breakfast.
join the Eucharist on 10.00. the mass is quite unique, of course with "Taize-style". the priest is quite rare seen on the altar. the focus is the altar and the decoration itself.
lunch on 13.00 then it's my turn to do the washing up.
then me and a few Asians went to Cluny (Save, Tang Mo, Xiao, George, Akalard, Phoenix). pay 2,30 Euros return bus ticket. apparently this is an "illegal trip" because it suppose that we don't have a permission to go from Taize. of course because when we arrived in Taize in the first time, we hand out our important documents, including passport, to one of the brother for safety procedure. so if we go out of Taize, then there's no identity with us. and i realize all of those things in the return back home, thanks to George. and suddenly i feel paranoid that i've made something illegal ;p
supper at Community on 19.00 and the Sunday's menu is Taize' Pizza! ;p
Evening prayer on 20.30.
afterward, have a little meeting with Br. Jean-Patrick about my work on my second week; sit and listen in a bible introduction (again!) with the brother with the Book of Revelation topic.
have a little conversation with Alena, she told me that she extend her staying until next Wednesday.
playing Uno until midnight (well it's begin to be my daily routine in the night before sleep, thanks to the "Midnight Uno Team": Simon, David, Ruben, Frederick ;p)

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