for English translations,
wake up, morning prayer 08.15.
breakfast at Tilleul. today it's my turn to do the WASHING UP! with Credo and Roland.
meeting at 10.00. the last bible introduction for today. i exchange souvenirs with Alena. i give her a wallet with "batik" pattern and she give me a Czech coin.
midday prayer 12.20 and lunch at Tilleul.
after that, me, Karel, and Song prepare and start to make a decoration for our Indonesia Corner for the Asia Workshop that will begin on 15.15. we make a decoration as we have our Independence Day; there's a lot of red and white Indonesian flag. then we perform our "Wayang Kulit" drama show. i'm dressing with a traditional cloth from Java, Song dressed as a Semar, a character from Java's folk story, and Karel dressed with traditional cloth from Batak.
after the workshop, have a little conversation with Alena. then Sarah came by and taught me and Karel a Polish folk song.
supper at the community on 19.00.
evening prayer on 20.30. because this is Saturday, we received a little candle when we enter the church. after the last song of the prayer, we light the candle from the brothers in the middle until people who sit in the end of the church. sooo beautiful! and apparently the candle only last for only 5 minutes. yeah it's a hi-tech security candle ;p
22.30, i go back to Tilleul to take my diary with me and go back to the church again. then i write on my diary while listening to the songs. apparently, they keep on singing until midnight. i don't know, maybe they accompanied the people who want to keep stay in the church. well, or to accompanied the people who writing on their diary ;p
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